
Growth of IoT (Internet of Things) has proved its importance in the various sector. But due to some limitations of security, privacy, etc. it is not possible to use IoT devices in the field of agriculture at its fullest. To overcome these limitations Blockchain is used as it provides security, privacy and it helps in monitoring, examining, to authenticate the agriculture data. With the help of Blockchain, traditional methods of collection, rearranging and distribution of Agri-products can be replaced by more trust-worthy, decentralized, vitreous, and immutable style. In agriculture sector, Blockchain and Internet of things can be amalgamated to have better results which leads us to one level up in the field of agriculture and may control or improve the supply chain in proper manner. The consequences of using blockchain and IoT in combination will result in better understanding to supervise and managing the agriculture effectively. This chapter will illustrate the importance of using blockchain and IoT collectively to develop smart agriculture from traditional agriculture. A model is also proposed to overcome the challenges encountered in agriculture sector, based on IoT applications with the help of blockchain. Also, a review is mentioned about the main characteristics and functions of blockchain used in agriculture sector such as livestock grazing, crops and food supply chain. Finally, some of the open issues Blockchain and security challenges are elaborate.

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