
This paper discusses the present mechanisms and work ordinations in the Urban Development in Valid Egyptian Cities - (Bani Swief City in Upper Egypt as a Case Study) that lacks clearly the “parallelism and integration”. This process produces a new characterized aspect of valid and heritage cities especially in Egypt to avoid the loss of distinguished identity in its urban, cultural and touristic concepts, components and compositions. This urban methodology in developing valid cities respect the heretical roots and the environmental factors. The research intends to make an approximation towards a framework on how to achieve this integration in order to avoid that “Eclecticism in Urban development” in traditional and new cities, especially in Upper Egypt Cities like (Bani Swief City as a Case Study) and arid zones of Egypt. The study discusses the following items:1) Principal hypothesis of study: “the absence of integration of mechanisms in Urban development field leads to the deterioration of its image reached in the present Egyptian city.2) Mechanisms vocabularies Urban development work and the side effects that lead to its deterioration.3) An applicable model of “Mechanisms of Urban development” in China and Sweden - as advanced examples that produce a characterized Urban development.4) Suggestions towards a framework that organizes the proposed integration.

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