
This article aims to investigate the path followed by Plnio Salgado in the formation and development of Brazilian Integralism. While drawing on many currents, it set out to build an original political doctrine. However, the ideas in circulation at the time influenced its leader considerably in the formation of his thought. From Portugal, he had the doctrinaire example of Lusitanian Integralism, a movement of an extreme right-wing nationalist character whose formation was clearly based on Action Franaise, the forerunner of conservatism which, like all the political groups of the early twentieth century, elaborated a practical response to the ideas proposed by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, through the Rerum Novarum. This article is based on the concept of political culture and aims to analyse the thought of the Integralist leader, while focusing on the context of the Lusitanian influence and the essentially Catholic precept that accompanied him throughout his life.

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