
AbstractWe consider D=3 supersymmetric Chern Simons gauge theories both from the point of view of their formal structure and of their applications to the AdS4/CFT3 correspondence. From the structural view‐point, we use the new formalism of integral forms in superspace that utilizes the rheonomic Lagrangians and the Picture Changing Operators, as an algorithmic tool providing the connection between different approaches to supersymmetric theories. We provide here the generalization to an arbitrary Kähler manifold with arbitrary gauge group and arbitrary superpotential of the rheonomic lagrangian of D=3 matter coupled gauge theories constructed years ago. From the point of view of the AdS4/CFT3 correspondence and more generally of M2‐branes we emphasize the role of the Kähler quotient data in determining the field content and the interactions of the Cherns Simons gauge theory when the transverse space to the brane is a non‐compact Kähler quotient K4 of some flat variety with respect to a suitable group. The crepant resolutions of singularities fall in this category. In the present paper we anticipate the general scheme how the geometrical data are to be utilized in the construction of the D=3 Chern‐Simons Theory supposedly dual to the corresponding M2‐brane solution.

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