
Place-Specificity of Competitiveness: Local embeddedness and international competitiveness - the case of the Swedish music cluster, Daniel Hallencreutz, Per Lundequist and Anders Malmberg The local embeddedness of ethnic entrepreneurship - over- and under-embeddedness in the Israeli Arab economy, Michael Sofer and Izhak Schnell High-technology clustering in Cambridge (UK), Philip Cooke and Robert Huggins. Trust Shaping Collective Action: The relations of co-operation in group entreprises and associations in Ghana - exploration of issues of trust and power, Fergus Lyon Social capital and development - issues of institutional design and trust in Mexican group-based microfinance, Marina Della Giusta Constructing alternative circuits of value - the case of local currency systems (LCSs), Roger Lee, Andrew Leyshon, Theresa Aldridge, Nigel Thrift, Jane Tooke and Colin Williams. Social Capital in The Pathways of Local Development: Social capital in the development of the Agro Nocerino-Sarnese, Anna Bull and Matteo Frate The emerging of different patterns of local development in the third Italy, Luigi Burroni.

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