
The study examines the documentation of the Asinou Monument within the auspices of the H2020-SC6-R&IINCEPTION project. The project realises innovation in 3D modelling of cultural heritage through an inclusive approach for time-dynamic 3D reconstruction of artefacts, built and social environments. It enriches the European identity through understanding of how European cultural heritage continuously evolves over long periods of time. In this study, digital techniques for data acquisition and methodologies for data processing were examined using the Asinou Church as a case study. Asinou Church is a 11th century shrine to the Virgin Mary, located in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and contains some of the finest Byzantine wall paintings in Cyprus which date between the 12th to the 17th century. Different techniques, such as photogrammetry, laser scanning, drones, video and photographs were used for the data acquisition of all features of the church, which were then processed to create a 3D model and document the church using Building Information Modeling (BIM). The church was digitally reconstructed in a 3D BIM model, where it was then processed to produce a Heritage building Information Model (H-BIM) in order to create an information database for further study.

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