
An innovation system not only depends on the underlying scientific and technical bases of a given sector, but also on the characteristics of the environment in which the innovative organizations evolve, the linkages among innovation actors and the inner capacity of these organizations to innovate. In early 2001, a study was undertaken by the Conseil de la recherche forestière du Québec for the purpose of describing the innovation system in Quebec's forest sector. This was achieved by assessing 33 indicators using a database detailing the research projects underway in 1999–2000 in academic, governmental and private research centres in Quebec. This assessment showed that Quebec has many programs that provide training in natural sciences, yet programs focusing on forest sciences attract very few Quebec students. The assessment also showed that Quebec does particularly well in terms of infrastructure when it comes to forest-related research. More than 1300 scientists, research professionals, technicians and graduate students work in some twenty establishments, where $120 million is spent on research in the areas of forest management and resource processing. Furthermore, the assessment showed that there are numerous ways that innovation actors can interact with one another. Popular initiatives include meetings among interested parties to define research priorities, the development of joint research projects and the pooling of research resources. However, mechanisms encouraging the mobility between research centre personnel and organizations involved in forest management or the processing of forest resources are still very scarce. Key words: forest research, innovation system

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