
To the Editor. —The congruent skull and scalp defect described by Dr Humes was 400% larger in area than that reported in Dallas. The Dallas wound was more occipital; Humes described a chiefly parietal wound. Contemporary sketches prepared from the two sources are remarkably different. Mr Breo 1,2 quotes Dr M. T. Pepper Jenkins as retracting his 1963 viewing of the cerebellum in Dallas. In fact, Jenkins repeated this for the Warren Commission hearings. Cerebellar tissue was also seen by Drs William Kent Clark, Charles Baxter, James Carrico, Robert McClelland, and reported by Dr Malcolm Perry to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The entrance wound, according to Humes, was near the external occipital protuberance. The Clark panel, 3 however, located it 100 mm (sic) superior to this site, ie, near the cowlick area. This 10-cm discrepancy was also confirmed by Dr Baden before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

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