
The purpose of this paper is to describe a mechanism that inherently causes boron dilution in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). The phenomenon is due to the fact that boric acid does not markedly dissolve into steam. This is relevant for transient and accident situations in PWRs where decay heat removal is accomplished by coolant vapourization and condensation, which inherently leads to formation of dilute plugs in the primary. In particular, it is found that inherent dilution will be inevitable for a range of small break loss of coolant accidents (SB LOCAs), with maximum amount of total diluted coolant mass exceeding 20 tonnes for a modern 1300 MWe PWR equipped with U-tube steam generators. A simple analysis of dilute plug motion during the late phases of a SB LOCA and core response to boron dilution shows that the damaging potential might extend to widespread fuel failures. Other transients and accidents are also discussed from the point of view of inherent dilution. Some possible remedies to the problem, as well as suggestions for further research, are presented.

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