
Reissner's fibers are secretions produced by different ependymal areas of the chordate brain, viz., in adult vertebrates, by the dorsal subcommissural organ, and in all stages of cephalochordates (Branchiostoma lancelets), by the ventral infundibular organ. Fibers produced by these different organs are seemingly identical and the two fiber sources also share some immunocytochemical and lectin-binding properties. The secretions in these two glands are, however, not identical; the infundibular organ cells are strongly reactive with antibodies against vertebrate Reissner's fibers, but they do not react with antibodies raised against the source of the vertebrate fibers, viz., the subcommissural organ. The results support the possibility that, in adult vertebrates, the Reissner's fibers are composed of material not only from the subcommissural organ, but also from another, not yet identified, source that is identical or equivalent to the infundibular organ of the lancelet. There are indications that the infundibular organ is immunocytochemically closely akin to some secretory cells in the vertebrate embryonic brain and also to those that produce the juvenile vertebrate Reissner's fibers, viz., secretory cells in the flexural organ.

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