
One of the major health problems facing the global community today is HIV and AIDS. Worldwide there are around 35 million people living with HIV and 19 million people do not know their HIV positive status (UNAIDS, 2014). Indonesia is ranked 5th most at risk of HIV/AIDS in Asia (Ministry of Health, 2013). Therefore, the government has issued a special policy to improve service functions and facilitate access to health for PLWHA, quality services and can live productively. R. Syamsudin, SH. General Hospital has been appointed as the West Java regional reference for providing health services for PLHIV cases. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of PLHIV patients on the quality of service and social support and their effect on satisfaction for PLHIV patients at R.Syamsudin Hospital. The population of this study were all 409 PLHIV patients (on therapy in August 2021) with a sample of 81 people. Data was obtained from 54 questionnaire questions and analyzed using multiple regression. The results showed that the quality of service to PLWHA patients was very good, support social services to PLHIV patients are very good, and PLHIV patients are very satisfied. The results also prove that health services and social support simultaneously have a positive effect in the direction of patient satisfaction. Partially, both service quality and social support have a positive effect on patient satisfaction. Conclusion of the study This proves that the quality of services provided by the hospital in the process of service and social support is in the form of emotional support from the environment, appreciative support from the treating health workers, instrumental support from officers, informative support from officers, and social network support. l from the Polyclinic Team can provide satisfaction for PLWHA patients at R. Syamsudin Hospital Sukabumi, Indonesia. Keywords: Quality of service, Social Support, Satisfaction of HIV patients.

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