
Work performance in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him. This study aims to analyze the effect of workload, job satisfaction and work motivation on the performance of nurses in the inpatient installation of dr. Tadjuddin Chalid Hospital and Makassar City Hospital. This type of research is a quantitative study using an observational study with a cross sectional study design. The sample in this study were nurses in the inpatient installation of dr. Tadjuddin Chalid Hospital and Makassar City Hospital, totaling 170 respondents. The results showed that there was an effect of workload on the performance of nurses, there was an effect of job satisfaction on the performance of nurses, there was an effect of work motivation on the performance of nurses at dr. Tadjuddin Chalid and Makassar City Hospital. It is suggested to the hospital management that the need for improvement in nursing management, especially the division of duties and working hours of nurses to reduce the workload of nurses so as not to cause work stress that can impact on the performance of nurses, to further increase the work satisfaction of nurses by continuing to carry out fair rewards and punishments sytem, ​​giving motivation, both material and non-material, for nurses who have good performance to be able to maintain their performance while still carrying out their duties based on the applicable rules. For nurses who have poor performance, they can improve their performance by paying more attention to work targets to be achieved for the advancement and image of the organization as well as the quality of services provided to patients.

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