
This study determined whether variation in clone, weed control treatment, or stem dimensions, could have an impact upon outerwood stiffness in 17 year old Pinus radiata stems. An experiment located south west of the Dunsandel township in Canterbury, New Zealand, was used to collect measures of acoustic velocity (windward and downward sides) from each of the 278 trees. Diameter at breast height, tree height, and height to live crown were also recorded for each tree. Findings from this research were compared with previous research carried out when the trees were ages eight and eleven. Assuming a green density of 1,000 kg/m 3 , Young’s Modulus equation was used to convert acoustic velocity to wood stiffness, or, Modulus of Elasticity (MOE). The effect of wind direction upon mean wood stiffness was not significant (α = 0.05). Consequently, one measure of wood stiffness was calculated per tree. Mean stem slenderness and mean wood stiffness values were calculated by block, weed control treatment, and clone. Weed control treatments had a significant impact upon mean wood stiffness in comparison to the control treatment (0.03 m 2 area of weed control). Significant differences did not exist between different levels of weed control, ie., 0.75 m 2 , 3.14 m 2 and 9 m 2 chemical spot spray area. Clonal variation and stem slenderness significantly affected mean wood stiffness measures. Stem slenderness appeared to be correlated with clonal variation (interaction between clone and slenderness was not significant), however, according to Dr. Euan Mason, this finding is not corroborated by findings from other research on the wood quality of clones in Canterbury (personal communication, September 16, 2013). An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) determined that mean height to the live crown was not a significant predictor of wood stiffness. Comparison with earlier research showed no change in the ranking of wood stiffness values by clone or treatment.

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