
The priority direction in melon breeding is the creation of new competitively capable varieties that combine resistance to adverse environmental factors with valuable economic characteristics.Materials and methods. The object of the study is melon varieties 599 and 595. The purpose of this study is to study the influence of weather conditions on the yield and biochemical composition of the studied melon varieties in the conditions of the Volgograd Volga region. The research was carried out at the Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station for three years according to the developed methods, the Osen variety was used as a standard.Results. The article presents the results of the influence of weather conditions on yield, fruit weight, and also presents an analysis of the biochemical composition of melon fruits. A complete description of the studied melon varieties is given. In terms of yield, the high indicators for cultivars 599 and 595 were in 2020 with the totals of average monthly active temperatures of 114°C and precipitation totals of 178 mm, and amounted to 19.0 t/ha and 21.3 t/ha. According to the content of dry matter in the fruit juice, according to the results of studies, it was seen that with the greatest amount of moisture, the indicators were higher in 2018 with a precipitation rate of 296 mm in cultivars 599 – 13.6%, in 595 – 13.2%, than in 2019 with a norm of 272.6 mm 599 – 12.0% in 595 – 11.6%. Thus, we can conclude that these melon varieties meet the modern requirements of the industrial melon industry.

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