
One of the vital parts of mining activity is optimizing the mine waste dump. It means that the capacity needs to be conserved by the various aspects of feasibility study. Hydrogeology is one of the main aspects of mine waste stability that needs to be controlled to ensure slope stability. The research aims to determine the influence of water balance toward mine waste dump stability, especially for inclined basement. The analysis was carried out by distributing the constituent material grain size, mapping of permeability value, determining the water balance behaviour between recharge and discharge, and watering behaviour inside mine waste dump material. It was also about the fragmentation analysis that was carried out to determine the layer of porosity value, while the permeability test was used to examine the rainfall infiltration rate. It is important to decide on the equilibrium water flow between the recharge and the discharge rates to ensure no water accumulates to mine waste dump. The fragmentation analysis results showed that the top layer of the waste is composed of sand-boulder-sized material with porosity towards the contact zone and a little clay. The hydraulic conductivity material values range from 6 × 10–6 m/s and 3 × 10–2 m/s at the top and the bottom layers of mine waste dump. The rainfall and the seepage are interrelated because a rise follows an increase in rainfall in seepage debit. The large permeability difference between the in-situ material and the layer slope is approximately 14°, therefore, the water tends to flow following the contact zone and forms a seepage. Pore pressure can be minimized, and stability of the mine waste dump slope maintained.

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