
High-frequency components such as microprocessors, transistors, antennas, voltage-controlled oscillators, and many others generate a large amount of heat. In the absence of satisfactory cooling, these components may suffer damage or even destruction. Therefore, it is important to find effective ways to cool these components. A possible solution is to use oil-based magnetic fluids. Magnetic fluids contain magnetic particles dispersed in oil, and their properties, including viscosity, affect their cooling capabilities. Viscosity can be changed by adding various additives or by adjusting the concentration of magnetic particles. The advantage of using oil-based magnetic fluids for cooling is that they allow for precise dosing and control of the amount of fluid applied to the component, reducing thermal losses and increasing cooling efficiency. In addition, oil-based magnetic fluids can also act as a dielectric, reducing electrical noise and increasing electromagnetic compatibility with the components. Analyzing the heating rate of magnetic fluids consisting of mineral oils in an alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 500 kHz, we have shown the capability of controlling thermal losses by adjusting the viscosity of the carrier liquid.

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