
Mastitis is the most common disease on livestock farms. The reasons leading to the occurrence of mastitis and a decrease in the quality of milk are diverse. Violation of milking technology, maintenance, principles of mastitis prevention, untimely diagnosis and its defective treatment causes significant economic damage to dairy farms. The object of research was cattle milk. In the milk samples, the number of somatic cells and the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultive atianaerobic microorganisms were taken into account using standard techniques [1, 3]. The analysis of the organization of milking was carried out in the hall of the rotary type "Carousel". The purpose of the work: to improve the quality of milk and reduce the amount of mastitis by eliminating shortcomings in the work of machine milking operators. During the study, it was found that at the time of milking on the platform "Carousel" there were animals with contamination of the limbs and mammary gland. We have identified the following shortcomings in the analysis of the milking routine: a small amount of milking of the first trickles of milk, poor-quality cleaning and drying of nipples with a scrubber, connection of animals to the milking machine with an incomplete milk ejection reflex, violation of animal milking hygiene, repeated connections to the milking machine, non-compliance with the rules of nipple treatment after milking. The available data obtained during the study make it possible to better understand the etiology of mastitis, the problem of increased numbers of bacteria and somatic cells in milk due to violations of the work of machine milking operators. The results obtained allow us to state the need for the use of informative diagnostic methods in the practical activities of specialists at dairy enterprises in the Russian Federation. We have developed practical recommendations and rules for the prevention of mastitis and improving the quality of milk. As a result of the introduction of the created recommendations and rules into practice, it was possible to reduce the number of animals with mastitis, reduce bacterial contamination and the number of somatic cells in milk.

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