
Triticale (Triticosecale Wittmack) are a hybrid created by man by crossing two species, namely Triticum aestivum and Secale cereale. They adopted the good ability to adapt to climatic conditions, high resistance to plant diseases and the utilization of low fertility soils from Secale cereale and the high production capacity and high protein content from Triticum aestivum. In general, triticale is used in feeding animals in different forms (concentrated fodder, straw, silage, pasture), especially in feeding pigs and birds. More recently, it was discovered that this plant has several properties, being similar to wheat. It is also used in the bioethanol, alcohol, cellulose industry and even in aquaculture. Fertilization is one of the most important in the cultivation technology of this plant, ensuring production increases both quantitatively and qualitatively. The experiment is located in the year 2021-2022, in northwest Romania, in Livada, Satu Mare county on a typical preluvosol with an acidic reaction, with a pH of 5.19 in the arable layer. It is placed after the method of subdivided plots, being an experiment with three experimental factors, of which only two factors were studied, the variety and fertilization and their influence on triticale production. Due to the severe climatic conditions, with high temperatures and lack of precipitation, additional fertilization with foliar fertilizer and biostimulator recorded significantly negative differences in production. It was found that the best fertilization option during that testing period was the basic fertilization of the soil with complex fertilizers in the fall and nitrogen-based fertilizers in the springtime.

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