
Tripadvisor.com is an android-based media application that is currently a guide, and reference for tourists in finding information about hotel services. Through TripAdvisor, guests can stay at certain hotels. Written reviews can make opinions and pictures of a hotel. The use of this application makes the hotel business increasingly competitive among 150 hotels in the city of Solo. Therefore the purpose of the study is to determine the level of hotel occupancy against the use of the TripAdvisor application. Tripadvisor has a position as a reference for the tourism industry in raising the hotel rank rating. Through TripAdvisor, tourists can write down their experiences in staying at a hotel. The written review can form an opinion and image for the hotel, as well as a competition in providing the best service. This will affect the decision of tourists to stay at the hotel. This research used qualitative explorative method, and the research location was hotels in Surakarta City. The findings of the research are: First, the increase in hotel occupancy in Solo City cannot be separated from the use of TripAdvisor as a reference for hotel management by responding positively to the reviews of hotel consumers in improving guest services. Second, the use of TripAdvisor by travelers has changed the habits of hotel guests by visiting TripAdvisor before booking hotels and reading reviews before deciding on hotel options, so the hotel management is trying to convince consumers. Third, the positive reviews can increase the conversion rate of hotel occupancy, even if the hotel prices increase. Fourth, the social reputation of a hotel depends on its online reputation, so the hotel can increase its price while maintaining the same occupancy rate.

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