
The quality of learning is influenced by many aspects, the most important of which is the teacher's ability. This research to analyze and explain the impact of transformational leadership and work motivation on teacher performance. Quantitative research was carried out on high school teachers in the West Sumba district. The number of teachers was 726 people. Determining the number of illustrations using a random sampling method, Morgan's recipe was corrected with Warwich's and Lininge's recipes. The results obtained were 300 respondents. The collection uses a closed-type questionnaire with 5 options. The analysis uses the multivariate Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The research results are: (1) transformational leadership has an important positive direct influence on the encouragement of activity, experimental facts, T-Statistics is 2.517, P-Values is 0.012 (2) leadership has an important positive direct effect on teacher ability T-Statistics experimental fact is 2,795 P-Values is 0.008( 3) encouragement of activities has a direct positive influence on the teacher's ability T-Statistics experimental fact is 14.448 P-Values is 0.000(4) leadership Transformational leadership indirectly influences teacher ability through activity encouragement as proven by experiments. T-Statistics is 2.461. P-Values are 0.014. Research findings show that transformational leadership and activity encouragement have an important influence and are predictors of increasing teacher ability.

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