
Objective: Based on data acquired from the South Sulawesi Provincial Energy and Mineral Resources Agency, it indicates the low performance of staff. Therefore, research is carried out on the causes of decreased or low employee performance so that it can be used as material in employee performance enhancement initiatives. Research Design & Methods: This research is exploratory, particularly seeking to identify relatively new correlations. This research uses a qualitative technique by distributing a questionnaire to the sample and the population, namely personnel of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of South Sulawesi Province, utilizing descriptive and inferential analysis. Findings: 1. Directly transactional leadership has a favorable and significant effect on staff performance. The implementation of transactional leadership has been properly actualized which directs each employee to increase their performance. 2. Directly organizational culture has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance. Organizational culture that has not been effectively actualized leads employee performance to deteriorate. 3. Directly pay has a favorable and considerable effect on employee performance. The salary given has vital value for employees in increasing their performance. 4. Indirectly, transactional leadership through work happiness has a favorable and considerable effect on staff performance. The application of transactional leadership through work satisfaction has been actualized collaboratively between leaders and subordinates in carrying out their duties and functions to increase employee performance. 5. Indirectly organizational culture through job happiness has a negative and not significant effect on employee performance. Organizational culture through work satisfaction that has been carried out thus far has not been fully actualized, hence employee performance has declined. 6. Indirectly pay through job satisfaction has a favorable and considerable effect on employee performance. Compensation through job satisfaction has been adopted in accordance with the supply of remuneration to promote employee performance. Implications & Recommendations: The Energy and Mineral Resources of South Sulawesi Province can use the results of this research and combine them with a strategy to develop human resources and improve the performance of its personnel.

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