
This research aimed to know the influence of total quality management and service innovation on service quality at Dinas Ketahanan Pangan and Peternakan Kabupaten Kediri. This research is quantitative. The method used in this research were interviews, questionnaires, and library studies. The populations in this research were 36 respondents and the samples used in this research were also 36 respondents. The sampling technique used was census sampling. The sample in this research consisted of two types of respondents, namely 36 employees and 36 customers. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression. This technique is used to determine the influence of total quality management (TQM) and discipline to service quality. The result showed that total quality management (TQM) and service innovation have a significant influence either simultaneously or partially on the quality of service at Dinas Ketahanan Pangan and Peternakan Kabupaten Kediri. So the hypothesis could be acceptable. The variable most dominant influence is the service innovation.

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