
The founder of the Vienna School of Ophthalmology was Prof. Dr. Georg Joseph Beer, who founded the First University Eye Clinic in the Vienna General Hospital in 1812. Prof. Ferdinand von Arlt led it for 27 years from 1856 to 1883. As the First Eye Clinic became too small, the Second University Eye Clinic was founded in 1883 at the same hospital in Vienna. Since 1885 it had been led for 30 years by Prof. Ernst Fuchs. Many well-known ophthalmologists were leading those Viennese eye clinics. However, Arlt and Fuchs were the main representatives of the Vienna School of Ophthalmology, which was always characterised by the high standards in the diagnosis and therapy of eye diseases. Many Croatian ophthalmologists were educated by them or their students, and later they established eye departments in the major cities in Croatia and transmitted acquired knowledge and experience. The first eye departments in Croatia were formed at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. The First University Eye Clinic in Croatia started to work in Zagreb in 1923. Our ophthalmologists transmitted the organisation of the clinics as they existed in Vienna, and that was the matrix form of all European clinics at that time. Therefore, the tradition of the Vienna School of Ophthalmology was passed on to the next generations. The paper also gives short biographies of Viennese and Croatian ophthalmologists and their mutual relations in education and work.


  • Milan Ivanišević*Sažetak Začetnik Bečke oftalmološke škole bio je prof. dr. Georg Joseph Beer koji je 1812. u Beču u Općoj bolnici osnovao Prvu sveučilišnu očnu kliniku u svijetu

  • Arlt and Fuchs were the main representatives of the Vienna School of Ophthalmology, which was always characterised by the high standards in the diagnosis and therapy of eye diseases

  • The first eye departments in Croatia were formed at the turn of the 19th and 20th century

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Milan Ivanišević*

Sažetak Začetnik Bečke oftalmološke škole bio je prof. dr. Georg Joseph Beer koji je 1812. u Beču u Općoj bolnici osnovao Prvu sveučilišnu očnu kliniku u svijetu. Sažetak Začetnik Bečke oftalmološke škole bio je prof. Budući da je prva očna klinika postala pretijesna, u istoj je bolnici u Beču 1883. Mnogi su poznati oftalmolozi još vodili te dvije bečke očne klinike, ali Arlt i Fuchs su bili glavni predstavnici Bečke oftalmološke škole koja se uvijek odlikovala visokim mjerilima u dijagnostici i liječenju očnih bolesti. Prva sveučilišna očna klinika u Hrvatskoj započela je s radom u Zagrebu 1923. Stoljeća oftalmologija je bila u sklopu kirurgije, interne medicine i anatomije. U Europi glavni oftalmološki centri bili su u Beču, Londonu, Parizu i Berlinu.[1,2,3] Budući da je tada Hrvatska bila u sklopu Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, naši prvi oftalmolozi educirali su se krajem 19. Bečka oftalmološka škola snažno je utjecala na razvoj hrvatske oftalmologije

Bečka oftalmološka škola
Uloga bečke oftalmološke škole u edukaciji hrvatskih oftalmologa
Utjecaj bečke oftalmološke škole na razvoj oftalmologije u HrvatskoJ
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