
In virtual environments, perceived distances are frequently reported to be shorter than intended. One important parameter for spatial perception in a stereoscopic virtual environment is the stereo base—that is, the distance between the two viewing cameras. We systematically varied the stereo base relative to the interpupillary distance (IPD) and examined influences on distance and size perception. Furthermore, we tested whether an individual adjustment of the stereo base through an alignment task would reduce the errors in distance estimation. Participants performed reaching movements toward a virtual tennis ball either with closed eyes (blind reaches) or open eyes (sighted reaches). Using the participants' individual IPD, the stereo base was set to (a) the IPD, (b) proportionally smaller, (c) proportionally larger, or (d) adjusted according to the individual performance in an alignment task that was conducted beforehand. Overall, consistent with previous research, distances were underestimated. As expected, with a smaller stereo base, the virtual object was perceived as being farther away and bigger, in contrast to a larger stereo base, where the virtual object was perceived to be nearer and smaller. However, the manipulation of the stereo base influenced blind reaching estimates to a smaller extent than expected, which might be due to a combination of binocular disparity and pictorial depth cues. In sighted reaching, when visual feedback was available, presumably the use of disparity matching led to a larger effect of the stereo base. The use of an individually adjusted stereo base diminished the average underestimation but did not reduce interindividual variance. Interindividual differences were task specific and could not be explained through differences in stereo acuity or fixation disparity.

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