
 Abstract. Introduction. Global warming is the most urgent environmental problem today. It has been established that the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system is necessary for the survival of the human body in the conditions of climate change. Such means as adaptogens are used to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors. 
 The aim of the study. To study the influence of the plant adaptogen "Victorin" on the functional state of the cardiovascular system of healthy individuals with increased sensitivity to heat.
 Research materials and methods. 14 healthy students aged 17-20 years with increased sensitivity to temperature were selected. All persons were suggested to use 1 capsule of the herbal preparation "Victorin" daily in the first half of the day for 30 days. Assessment of subjective changes in the general state, well-being and functional state of the cardiovascular system using the Robinson index, the index of the response of the cardiovascular system to psycho-emotional stress, the Kerdo index, determination of adaptation potential according to the method of R.M. Baevsky was conducted on the 1st, 15th and 30th days of the study.
 Research results. All those examined on the 30th day of the study noted that they feel better heat tolerance, feel more comfortable in conditions of increased ambient temperature. The established tendency to decrease the average value of the Robinson index by 10 n.u. (10.1%), compared to the 1st day of the study. The average value of the index of the response of the cardiovascular system to psycho-emotional stress on the 30th day decreased by 0.147 n.u. (11%) (p<0.01). After a 30-day intake of the plant adaptogen "Victorin", a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and its shift towards autonomous balance was revealed. The value of adaptation potential on the 30th day of the study is 9.3% less, compared to the initial indicators (р<0.01). 
 Conclusions. Taking a plant adaptogen in people with a higher sensitivity to heat caused a tendency to increase the reserve capacity of the cardiovascular system and its more economical activity, contributed to an increase in stress resistance, a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, and an increase in the adaptation potential.

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