
Sedimentation rate, which is the most important parameters of the inland water wayperformance like Musi River becoming one of a major research topic in Indonesia. The influence ofadditional pier for the new LRT Bridge constructed parallel to Ampera Bridge to the sedimentation pattern ofMusi River was discussed in this paper. Currently, as most of the rivers in Indonesia, a complete field dataobservation of discharge, sediment characteristic is a luxury one to have. That’s why mathematical model,supported by eligible limited field measurements for model calibration and verification, is commonly used topredict the above parameters. Hydrometric survey of water level, sediment samples (both suspended and bedsediment), velocity and bathymetry were conducted to get instantaneous field data. Based on the comparisonof two bathymetry map with difference periods of measurements, it was found that the sedimentation rate,was different for high and low tide. Tank model of Sacramento and USLE were used to respectively generatesynthetic river discharge and soil surface erosion rate. Hydrodynamic model of SMS 8 was used to predictannual rate of sedimentation. Good comparison of the field measurement and SMS model results was foundfor current and sediment pattern. The maximum sedimentation occurs during the high tide where thebackwater was generated by sea intrusion. The New LRT pier increase the impact of river contractions forboth maximum velocity around the Ampera Bridge up to 1.5 time and sedimentation rate behind the piergroup of the bridges.

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