
The name of the famous Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic and the genius of the entire Turkic world, is very dear and native to all Turkic-speaking peoples in our time. With his unsurpassed genius, outstanding talents displayed on the battlefields and political war, passionate love for the Motherland and the entire Turkish world, Atatürk not only prevented the destruction and disintegration of the Turkish state and people, but also, by implementing such important reforms in society as education, the acquisition of scientific and cultural innovations, created the basis for the Turkish flag to rise to heaven with renewed vigor and fly in eternity. The Turkish people, with their ancient roots and extremely rich cultural heritage, have made a very valuable spiritual contribution to the fine arts of the world. With the formation of the Republic in Turkey, such areas of art as sculpture, graphics, advertising and poster began to develop. The creation of the first monuments of monumental sculpture in the history of Turkey and the appearance of many famous Turkish sculptors is connected with the establishment of the Republic. As a result of the application of education, science, and literacy in all spheres of Turkish society, many famous women-artists, artists, athletes, and civil servants-appeared during the Republic. The fact that the state does not bind artists within the framework of any ideology, gives them freedom of creativity, leads to the appearance of different styles and interesting creative searches in the Turkish art of the Republic period. This article is devoted to the study of the reflection in the Turkish art of the twentieth century of the unique reforms that the great Ataturk preached and applied.

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