
Abaza people, being a part of Adyghe-Abkhaz ethnic group, live in the Northwest Caucasus. In the second half of the XIX century there was a relocation of a large group of Abaza to the territory of the Ottoman Empire; an important cause of migration was the religious factor. The best preserved Abaza diaspora today is living in Turkey. Compact, ethnically homogeneous settlements of Abaza allowed preserving their language and traditional culture up to the present time; the Islamic factor played a positive role in the consolidation of the overseas Abaza community, though, to some extent, it has led to the phenomenon of a divided nation. Speaking about religious life in the Soviet period Abaza from North Caucasus were experiencing the same difficulties as the entire population of the country, but Islam was still the one of the signs of national identity. In the post-Soviet period there was a large-scale appeal to Islam; Islam became a positive factor for the consolidation of the people, maintaining social equilibrium in Abaza community. Modern trends in the development of Abaza community allow us to make the assumption that the position and role of Islam will be strengthened. In the current official policy of Turkey, Islam is becoming increasingly important reference point in social development. It is safe to say that communication between Russian and Turkish Abaza communities will continue to develop and in the future it will lead to further strengthening of the position of Islam and the influence of the Islamic factor in the many spheres of Abaza life in Russia.


  • In the second half of the XIX century there was a relocation of a large group of Abaza to the territory of the Ottoman Empire; an important cause of migration was the religious factor

  • The best preserved Abaza diaspora today is living in Turkey

  • Ethnically homogeneous settlements of Abaza allowed preserving their language and traditional culture up to the present time; the Islamic factor played a positive role in the consolidation of the overseas Abaza community, though, to some extent, it has led to the phenomenon of a divided nation

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Входящие в адыго-абхазскую группу народов, проживают на Северо-Западном Кавказе. Во второй половине XIX века произошло переселение большой группы абазин на территорию Османской империи, важной причиной миграции стал религиозный фактор. Компактные, однородные по этническому составу поселения позволили абазинам сохранить свой язык и традиционную культуру вплоть до настоящего времени, исламский фактор сыграл положительную роль в консолидации. Абазины — представители адыго-абхазской группы народов, в Российской Федерации абазины проживают на Северо-Западном Кавказе. Некогда абазинские селения граничили с территорией абхазов, их переселение с южных склонов Кавказа происходило поэтапно: первая волна переселения пришлась на XVI–XVII века, второй этап переселения пришелся на первую половину XIX века. Переселившиеся на Северный Кавказ в XIX веке абазины говорят на ащхарском (горном) диалекте, близком абхазскому языку. Ранняя волна переселенцев — равнинные абазины — говорят на наречии тапанта, вобравшем в себя больше северокавказских элементов, этот диалект был взят за основу современного литературного абазинского языка

Ислам и абазинская миграция
Ислам в современном абазинском обществе
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