
The data presented in this paper has been picked during an expansive experience, where, beside the influence of the irrigation system on the foliar surface of the cucumbers, it has been also analyzed the effects of this factor over the output and its quality, over the growth and the fructification, over the water consumption etc. The experiences were carried out between 2003-2005, in one of the greenhouse-solarium of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj–Napoca. We organized six experimental variants, each one with three repetitions: half of the variants have been irrigated by dripping and the other half by furrow irrigation, and by using for each irrigation method the three minimum ceiling watering: when the soil humidity reach 50%, 70% and 90% from the active humidity interval (A.H.I.). The six experimental variants were noted down by a letter, which indicates the method used (F – furrow irrigation and D – dripping irrigation) and followed by a number that indicates the moment of the watering in percents from the A.H.I.

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