
The quark-gluon plasma fireball expansion, appearing in the collision of relativistic heavy ions, can be accompanied by the wave anomalies associated with the quark-hadron phase transition. Namely, the composite rarefaction wave, which includes the rarefaction shock, can arise instead of a simple rarefaction wave. The emphasis of the given work is focused on the special features of these wave processes induced by nonzero quark-gluon plasma velocity at the beginning of the hydrodynamic stage of the fireball expansion. The simulation has been conducted in the framework of relativistic hydrodynamics. The equation of state used is based on the variant of the MIT-bag model. The initial conditions are formulated under the assumption that the distributions of the energy density and the baryon number density are uniform, while the radial velocity changes linearly from zero at the center to the assigned value at the fireball border. The results of the calculations have shown the strong dependence of the wave phenomena observed on the initial velocity distribution.

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