
1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction to the Problem The phenomenon of organizational culture appeared in the mid-twentieth century in the West at first only as a means of improving the competitiveness of companies, and now gained a wider meaning. Organizational culture affects the choice of the development strategy, flexibility and adaptability to changes in the external and internal environment, affects the improvement of the economic efficiency of the organization, supports the consolidation of employees around common goals and objectives. Organizational culture is made under the influence of both internal and external factors that largely determine its specificity. One of the most important factors is the ethnic culture, forming a number of specific features in the organizational culture of the company. 1.2 Exploration of the Importance of the Problem The contents of the organizational culture is not something contrived or random, it is produced in the course of practical activity as an answer to the problems posed by external competitive environment. At transition to the market economy the system of values in Russia (including moral values) has undergone a transformation which has led to a change of the management paradigm of companies, to the formation of values, reflecting the development goals and strengthening of market positions. The development of the organization management paradigm, where the central place is given to person and to the relationship between people, to the moral problems arising in situations of axiological self-determination, situations of choice between the individual and corporate ethical standards, requires of managers wide knowledge and skills in the field of sociology, applied ethics and psychology, social management and organizational culture management. All this has determined the timeliness of the research topic. 1.3 Background/Review of the Literature One of the first who paid attention to the role of ethical standards and moral environment, general principles and beliefs in improving the workforce productivity and sustainability of the economic system were Weber (1905), Mayo (1933), Rich (1996). The most significant contribution to the study of organizational culture was made by such foreign scientists as the Jaques (1952), Peters and Waterman (1982), Deal and Kennedy (1982), Ouchi and Wilkins (1985), Sathe (1985). The growth of multinational corporations gave momentum to the study of the influence of ethnical culture and mentality on the organizational culture. This aspect is thoroughly investigated in the works of Hofstede (1980), Bourdieu (1985), Harris and Moran (1991). The issues of organizational culture were studied firstly in the early 1990s in Russia. But even in such a short period of time significant results were achieved. There was created a categorical instrument, structure, typology of the organizational culture. To the Russian scientists studying the problems of the relationship between ethnical and organizational cultures one can refer Naumov (1996), Shikhirev (2000), Vikhanskiy (2006), Myasoedov (2008), Latova (2010), Guskova et al. (2014); Zotov and Dvorovenko (2014). Also these problems are actively being studied from the point of applied ethics, influence of moral standards on the development of organizational culture by such researchers as Bakshtanovskiy and Sogomonov (2005), Nazarov (2005), Asaul et al. (2006), Spivak (2013). 1.4 Hypotheses and their Influence on the Research Our study is based on the assumption that the specifics of the ethnical culture in their individual, personal and social sides have a significant influence on the formation and development of organizational culture of the company, form its basis, stimulate the emergence of one or other keynotes, expressed in the relations with the government and in the detachment from it; in the ability to take responsibility or to evade it, to focus on internal conscience regulatives, on the respect for others or aggressive behavior and suspension; to require care and attention of the management or to make own decisions and participate in the organizational processes at various levels. …

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