
The aim of the study was to study the effect of the drug recognan (citicoline) on the neurodynamic characteristics of mental activity in patients with mild cognitive impairment. A survey of 58 subjects (17 of them male and 41 female) aged 18-45 years (average age 27.2±12.5 years) was conducted. Clinical diagnosis according to ICD-10 «Mild cognitive impairment» (F06.7). The main subgroup included29 people received oral recognan therapy (in solution, 100 mg in 1 ml) for 30 days, with a daily dosage of 500 mg (5 ml of solution). In the control group (29 people) drug therapy was not performed. Tests were used: «Graphic sample», the sample on the reciprocal coordination of the hands (Ozeretsky test), test for the compression of fingers, the test «number series». The follow-up period was 30 days. All subjects were examined three times (initially, in the middle of the study - on day 15, at the end of the study - on day 30). The results obtained showed that the use of the drug recognan (citicoline) has a positive effect on the indicators of visual-motor coordination and spatial representations, neurodynamic characteristics of movement, and cognitive functions. After a 2-week treatment with recognan improved graphical sample, 84% of patients, with reliable improvement according to the Wilcoxon (p=0.0002), the sample in the compression of the fingers 60%, as well as coordination 60%, the accounting functions in 44%. After a month (30 day) treatment course recomanem there was an increase in indices of samples for the compression of fingers in 71.4% of patients, with significant improvement (p=0.0499) and run the graphical samples of 71.4%, coordination at 46.4%, counting functions - 48% patients.

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