
The development of Ephestia kuehniella was followed carefully on white flour at constant temperatures ranging from 7.5° to 31°C at humidities from 0 to 75% r.h. The lower limit of temperature for complete development was about 12°C although a few adults of a stock collected recently emerged at 10°C. Adults emerged at 28 but not at 31°C. Generally, development took longer and survival was poorer at 40 than at 70% r.h. However, at 20 and 25°C survival was good even at 15% r.h., and at 25°C, 18 out of 50 larvae reached the adult stage at a humidity near 0% r.h. Development was fastest at 25°C, 75% r.h., taking a mean of 74 days from oviposition to adult emergence. Oviposition occurred at 7.5 but not at 5°C. Mating was unsuccessful at 12.5°C. Eggs hatched at all temperatures between 12 and 31°C at every r.h. used. A few eggs from two field stocks hatched at 10°C but none did so at 7.5°C. At 12 C no larvae pupated at humidities below 70% r.h., and none pupated at 31°C at any humidity. Larval development was most rapid at 25°C, 75% r.h., taking about 60 days. The shortest mean pupal period, 9 days, occurred at 28°C, 70% r.h. In an experiment with field stocks, many larvae pupated at 10°C but none at 7.5°C. This study confirms E. kuehniella as essentially a temperate species that prefers heated premises such as bakeries and mills for rapid development. Its ability to develop on food at a low e.r.h. fits it further for life in flour mills.

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