
Language is an essential and valuable communication tool for fostering mutual understanding in our actions. Children must be taught language skills from a young age, which can be accomplished through schooling. To improve the students' speaking skills, the researchers presented the study on the influence of simple Arabic speaking skills utilizing the Ta'bir Syafawi method in third grade at El-Fitra elementary school. The author used the t-test to see how the results of the Ta'bir Syafawi method influence the students' Arabic speaking skills. The research employed a quantitative method with data processing that utilized the SPSS application function version 20. There were 84 students in the third grade at El-Fitra elementary school, with 56 students divided into two study groups (classes) in class 3A and class 3B. The results showed that the t-test in the experimental class was 0.0000, which is more than 0.05 as a standard (rule) in concluding a hypothesis. Because 0.0000 < 0.05, it can be concluded that applying the Ta'bir Syafawi method influences the speaking skill proficiency of El-Fitra elementary school students in the third grade. Therefore, the method must be applied in learning Arabic to influence the students' Arabic skills, especially speaking skills.

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