
Sucralose (1',4',6' trideoxy-trichloro-galactosucrose) is a nontoxic, intensely sweet sucrose derivative that has been shown to be non-cariogenic in experimental animals. The purpose of this study was to determine whether certain oral bacteria could utilize sucralose. Sucralose, as a sole carbon source, was unable to support growth of ten strains of oral bacteria and dental plaque. When sucrolose was incorporated into a liquid medium containing glucose or sucrose, all organisms tested displayed similar pH falls, compared with controls. The incorporation of 126 mmol/L sucralose into glucose agar medium caused total inhibition of growth of Streptococcus sobrinus 6715-17, Streptococcus sanguis 10904, Streptococcus sanguis Challis, Streptococcus salivarius, and Actinomyces viscosus WVU627. Sucralose had no effect on IPS production. Sucralose was not bound to, nor taken up by, cells. Sucralose inhibited the formation of glucan and fructan polymers in proportion to the sucralose-to-enzyme ratio, but independent of the sucrose concentration in the assay mixture. No radioactive polymer was formed from 14C-U-sucralose added to mixtures containing glucosyltransferase (GTF) or fructosyl-transferase (FTF). Inhibition of GTF and FTF by sucralose was removed following dialysis of the enzyme/sucralose mixture. These results show that sucralose was not utilized by the oral bacteria tested and that the inhibitory effect of sucralose on GTF and FTF was non-competitive and reversible. The results further support the concept that sucralose is non-cariogenic.

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