
The urban planning of squares with open space and the radioactive road is often seen in many cities. It forms a particular type of landscape and affects the traffic system and urban microclimate. However, the influence of city square spatial morphological indicators on the thermal environment at pedestrian height has not been studied well. This study took the most representative Zhongshan Square of Dalian as the case, the city with the most squares in China. The measurement analysis found that the central air temperature of the square is severe higher than the fixed points 250 m away, with a difference between 4.5 °C and 1.7 °C. The road location in the same orientation was the primary factor affecting the air temperature by 1.0 °C in the 500 m range by mobile measurement. The air temperature in the east-west was higher than in the north-south. The simulation results within 500 m proved that road orientation also affects air temperature. In the same direction, three types of roads with a significant height difference of buildings, broad streets, and straight roads will be conducive to ventilating and create a better thermal environment. This work contributes to urban planning development and decision-making around similar city squares with road networks.

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