
Abstract We synthesize the results of several modelling studies that address the influence of variability in larval transport and survival on the dynamics of marine metapopulations distributed along a coast. Two important benthic invertebrates in the California Current System (CCS), the Dungeness crab and the red sea urchin, are used as examples of the way in which physical oceanographic conditions can influence stability, synchrony and persistence of meroplanktonic metapopulations. We first explore population dynamics of subpopulations and metapopulations. Even without environmental forcing, isolated local subpopulations with density-dependence can vary on time scales roughly twice the generation time at high adult survival, shifting to annual time scales at low survivals. The high frequency behavior is not seen in models of the Dungeness crab, because of their high adult survival rates. Metapopulations with density-dependent recruitment and deterministic larval dispersal fluctuate in an asynchronous fashion. Along the coast, abundance varies on spatial scales which increase with dispersal distance. Coastwide, synchronous, random environmental variability tends to synchronize these metapopulations. Climate change could cause a long-term increase or decrease in mean larval survival, which in this model leads to greater synchrony or extinction respectively. Spatially managed metapopulations of red sea urchins go extinct when distances between harvest refugia become greater than the scale of larval dispersal. All assessments of population dynamics indicate that metapopulation behavior in general dependes critically on the temporal and spatial nature of larval dispersal, which is largely determined by physical oceanographic conditions. We therfore explore physical influences on larval dispersal patterns. Observed trends in temperature and salinity applied to laboratory-determined responses indicate that natural variability in temperature and salinity can lead to variability in larval development period on interannual (50%), intra-annual (20%) and latitudinal (200%) scales. Variability in development period significantly influences larval survival and, thus, net transport. Larval drifters that undertake diel vertical migration in a primitive equation model of coastal circulation (SPEM) demonstrate the importance of vertical migration in determining horizontal transport. Empirically derived estimates of the effects of wind forcing on larval transport of vertically migrating larvae (wind drift when near the surface and Ekman transport below the surface) match cross-shelf distributions in 4 years of existing larval data. We use a one-dimensional advection-diffusion model, which includes intra-annual timing of cross-shelf flows in the CCS, to explore the combined effects on settlement: (1) temperature- and salinity-dependent development and survival rates and (2) possible horizontal transport due to vertical migration of crab larvae. Natural variability in temperature, wind forcing, and the timing of the spring transition can cause the observed variability in recruitment. We conclude that understanding the dynamics of coastally distributed metapopulations in response to physically-induced variability in larval dispersal will be a critical step in assessing the effects of climate change on marine populations.

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