
This study aims to determine the effect of some types of manure on growth and production of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Taiwan. The expected results of this research can determine which is the type of manure suitable for the area of the former coal mines that have acid soils (marginal lands). This research using Complete Random Design with four treatments and six replications. The treatment is different source of manure which is control, cow manure, goat manure, and chicken manure. The parameters observed were plant growth including plant height, leaf width, leaf length, fresh weight production, and dry weight production. This study uses the acid soils of the former coal mine with a pH of 4.2 which is input into the polybags, seedlings of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) cv Taiwan in the form of cuttings, Cow, goat and chicken dung are used as a source of manure. This research was conducted in the green house for 60 days. The results of the research obtained the data for plant height (cm) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 229.85; leaf Length (cm) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 113.10: Leaf width (cm) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 5.50; Production of Fresh Weight (gr/polybag) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 1361.67; the Production of Dry Weight (gr/polybag) the highest Goat Manure (P2) 214.28. The conclude that the manure suitable for the area of the former coal mines that have acid soils (critical area) is the manure from goat because it produces the highest growth and production than others.

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