
In dry savannas, soil fertility has a controlling patterns of herbivory, the activities of prehistoric man and influence on the slope of the relation between annual nutrient cycling through trees and termite mounds. While rainfall and annual aboveground herbaceous production. It the base-richness of the parent material is initially impor- also influences many other aspects of their structure and tant in determining soil fertility, biological activities involv- function; such as the species composition, morphology, ing phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon appear to be important forage chemistry and degree and type of herbivory. In dry in the creation and maintenance of localized areas of savannas there is a wide range in soil fertility status, related enhanced soil fertility on base-poor substrates, and could at a regional scale to differences in parent material and the provide a mechanism for the long-term stability of such age of the land surface. At a landscape scale, catenal pro- nutrient hot-spots. cesses result in large fertility contrasts between ridgetop and bottomland positions. There are several other processes

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