
Teaching is a profession full of change and challenge. Therefore, teachers' resilience is crucial in teaching and learning processes. High school teachers in Jakarta need to be able to adapt stressful situation, cope with changes and bounce back positively. Furthermore, the capacity to be resilience in the workplace is likely to fluctuate based on the environment surround. This study aims to understand the influence of social support towards high school teachers' resilience in an urban context such as Jakarta. There were 142 teachers from public school (SMA N) participated in this study. The teachers came from six areas of Jakarta. The research uses a quantitative method approach with regression data analysis to test the hypothesis. The data were collected from social support scale (The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support by Zimet., et al, (1988) and resilience scale from Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003). The results show a positive significant influence of social support received by the teachers towards their resilience. Meaning that the higher the social support from people such as family, friends, and significant others to the teachers, the higher their ability to bounce back positively. The social support contributes 16.5% of the resilience while the remaining 83.5% are from other factors that have not been examined. This can be interpreted that the more social support received by the teacher will likely increase teachers' resilience and to survive the difficulties and obstacles. This study implies that by optimizing surrounding resources such as professional staff/counselors in schools to obtain social support improving the level of teachers' resilience.

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