
This work aims to reflect the use of social networks, in which people consume products incessantly and transform themselves into an object of consumption. Initially, the path of development of social networks will be covered and, subsequently, the characteristics of postmodern society and guiding principles will be explored, as well as the demand for psychotherapy within this immediate context. In sequence, an understanding of the mechanisms for inducing consumption will be sought. The research is a bibliographical review with a qualitative approach, developed through an exploration of the literature deemed relevant to the theme with a period of publication between 1993 and 2019 with free access and in the Portuguese language based mainly on the thoughts of Bauman and Lipovetsky, found in the databases of online data Google Scholar, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) Electronic Journals in Psychology (PEPSIC) and Scientif Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), and support from own collection. It can be seen that social networks influence exacerbated consumption, due to their persuasive nature and manipulation strategies.

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