
Significant differences are reported for the IR spectra of poly[(2,5-bisoctyloy)-1, 4-phenylenevinylene] (BO-PPV) recorded onto the KBr, Ag and Au supports. In this work, a decrease in the absorbance of the IR spectra of the BO-PPV films deposited onto Au and Ag supports as increasing the macromolecular compound film thickness is reported. A preferential orientation of the BO-PPV molecules and its composite with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) versus metallic supports of Ag and Au is assessed using the IR absorption spectroscopy under s and p polarized light. An anti-Stokes photoluminescence (ASPL) is reported to characterize the BO-PPV macromolecular compound. The BO-PPV ASPL spectra intensity dependent both of the thickness of the macromolecular compound layer deposited onto the metallic supports and the SWNTs weight in the BO-PPV/SWNTs composite mass.

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