
This study aims to analyze the effect of relationship marketing and service quality on word of mouth through customer satisfaction, loan customers at the Bank BRI Branch Tulungagung. This research is quantitative research with the type of research is explanatory research with a survey approach. The sample of this study is the commercial retail loan customers of the UKM sector at the Tulungagung Branch Bank BRI with 1,176 debtors. Based on the analysis method using Structural Equation Modeling, the results of the study show that relationship marketing and service quality affect customer satisfaction and word of mouth. While word of mouth is influenced by customer satisfaction, meaning that satisfaction from borrowing customers will be able to increase positive word of mouth against other prospective borrowers. The results of this study also show that relationship marketing has an effect on word of mouth through customer satisfaction, which means that increasing customer satisfaction will increase word of mouth from customers. The better the ability of bank officers to maintain customer trust, it will make customers provide positive information about the product of the bank concerned to others.

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