
It is shown that in connection with the ongoing financial and economic crises in the world, as well as a sharp aggravation of competition in the international markets of industrial products and a number of other factors, the issues of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises and corporations in the regions of the country need a more comprehensive and comprehensively thought-out justifica-tion. Purpose of the study. It is advisable to develop a set of scientific provisions and recommenda-tions for the analysis of the activities of industrial enterprises in the regions, which would contribute to the purposeful development of the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in modern business conditions. Materials and methods. The materials and methods used are out-lined by the content of theoretical developments and practical experience obtained in the process of researching the development of the economy and industry of the regions of the Russian Federation. Results. The list of scientific provisions and recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of the influence of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the develop-ment of industry and economy of the country's regions has been substantiated. The composition of methods of state regulation in the economy and industry of the regions is presented, a list of the main tasks of the industrial and economic block for state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the functions and mechanisms of their implementation, is pre-sented. Conclusion. The development of the economy and industry of the regions of Russia should be carried out using the scientific provisions and recommendations presented in this article, which will allow, when forming management decisions, to take into account factors and justifications that were often unused before.


  • It is shown that in connection with the ongoing financial and economic crises in the world, as well as a sharp aggravation of competition in the international markets of industrial products and a number of other factors, the issues of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises and corporations in the regions of the country need a more comprehensive and comprehensively thought-out justification

  • It is advisable to develop a set of scientific provisions and recommendations for the analysis of the activities of industrial enterprises in the regions, which would contribute to the purposeful development of the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in modern business conditions

  • The materials and methods used are outlined by the content of theoretical developments and practical experience obtained in the process of researching the development of the economy and industry of the regions of the Russian Federation

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Краткие сообщения

– развития внутриобластной кооперации, выгодной для экономики региона; – формирования гибкой, сбалансированной тарифной и ценовой политики в сфере промышленного производства, направленной на повышение конкурентоспособности продукции промпредприятий субъекта РФ на отечественном и мировом рынках; – развития региональной базы сырьевых ресурсов с учетом имеющихся производственных мощностей и потребностей рынка; – реструктуризации и финансового оздоровления промышленных предприятий с использованием для этих целей всех имеющихся в распоряжении органов государственной власти региона рычагов Представленные в данной статье научные положения и рекомендации могут быть использованы руководителями органов государственной власти субъектов РФ, а также промышленных предприятий и корпораций, расположенных на территории последних, для комплексного анализа работы промышленности региона и формирования обоснованных перспектив по модернизации производств, однозначно способных обеспечить существенный экономический рост экономики субъекта РФ.

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