
Birth rate through Caesarean surgery (C-section) keeps increasing globally. Research states that expecting mothers suffer from anxiety prior to C-section. Impacts of pre-Caesarean anxiety are increasing post-Caesarean pain, increasing analgesic need, longer hospitalization, and postpartum depression. One of the methods to overcome anxiety before C-section is conducting Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) therapy. This study described the influence of PMR therapy on anxiety level of Pre-Caesarean mothers in the Surgery Room of RSUD dr Haryoto, Lumajang. The study used quasi-experimental pre-post test with control group design. The sampling technique was consecutive sampling and the number of the sample was 26 respondents. The instrument for PMR therapy was PMR therapy tool. Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) was used to measure anxiety level. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) had a significant influence towards decreasing level of anxiety for the pre-Caesarean mothers (p= 0.000). Anxiety will cause physiological tension, one of which is characterized by muscle tension. Muscle relaxation will lower the physiological tension that will ultimately decrease anxiety. Therefore, PMR may become an alternative therapy to overcome anxiety, especially anxiety before sectio caesarean surgery.

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