
This study determined the influence of principals’ management strategies on students’ academic achievements in public secondary schools in Lungalunga sub – county in Kwale County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine principals’ management strategies of instructional supervision on students’ academic achievements. The study was guided by management theory. Since the study involved gathering of quantitative and qualitative data, it adopted mixed method approach. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. 20 school deputy principals, 20 BOM chairpersons, 20 parent association chairpersons and 546 secondary school teachers were study’s target population. The researcher sampled 182 respondents using simple random technique, that is, 6 school deputy principals, 6 BOM chairpersons, 6 parent association chairpersons and 164 secondary school teachers’. Data was gathered using questionnaires and interviews. Validity of the instrument was established through piloting of the instruments in Lungalunga sub-county in two secondary schools which were part of the general population although not considered in the sample. The researcher established the reliability of the instrument by using of test-retest method. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 22) software. Results were presented in form of frequency and percentages from which inferences and conclusions were drawn. The findings of the study revealed a critical concerns regarding principal's supervision practices was realized with the biggest percentage of respondents expressing huge dissatisfaction. The study concluded that there was a pressing need for comprehensive reforms in instructional supervision to bridge the existing gaps and enhance students’ academic achievements. By aligning management strategies with the study’s objective, schools can create a conducive atmosphere where students thrive, educators excel, and stakeholders actively contribute to the educational journey, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of education in the region.

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