
In the second half of the 20th century Belgrade was being developed and expanded at a fast pace. Many residential areas that grew at the time were built using prefabricated industrialised systems. Prefabricated construction technologies were developed as a result of multiple influential factors such as the socio-economic situation, cultural, scientific and technical development, and housing policies. The paper presents several widely used prefabricated construction systems (IMS, Rad-Balansi, Jugomont, Trudbenik, Komgrap), points to a few characteristic examples of residential buildings, complexes, blocks or neighbourhoods dating from different decades of the second half of the 20th century, and identifies as yet unmapped examples of Belgrade's residential architecture using the historical method of research. The paper initiates further and more thorough research both into residential architecture in Belgrade and into the technology of prefabrication in the context of the technical and architectural achievements of the 20th century. The goal of the research is to gain a more thorough knowledge of the examples of residential architecture which are representative of a particular period or a type of housing. The paper draws attention to the architectural works which have not hitherto been studied or published but which deserve the attention of the professional and general public. Its particular contribution is in defining the ways in which prefabricated industrialised systems influenced architectural design, and in proposing a typology of floor layouts occurring in residential buildings constructed using these systems.


  • In the second half of the 20th century Belgrade was being developed and expanded at a fast pace

  • Ова монтажна стамбена зграда М-2 има укупну површину од 190,22 м2, од чега зидови и степенишни простор заузимају 34,95 м2, док корисна површина станова износи 155,27 м2

  • This brief overview draws the attention of the professional public to the values of these buildings and suggests further research with the view to assessing their potential for being designated as cultural properties

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In the second half of the 20th century Belgrade was being developed and expanded at a fast pace. С обзиром на широку примену не само у Београду и некадашњој Југославији него и у великом делу света, и историјску дистанцу у односу на период интензивне примене – данас постоје услови за истраживања типологија, стилских карактеристика и облика, као и периодизације стамбене архитектуре реализоване у префабрикованим индустријализованим системима. С обзиром на технологију њихове производње, они су најчешће били пројектовани и произведени у одређеним стандардним димензијама да би се уклапали у растер, а растер је био дефинисан и усвојен у самом процесу пројектовања.[3] На почетку развоја индустријске префабриковане градње, технологија још увек није била развијена, па су доминирали пројекти и решења ниских спратности (Пр+1, Пр+2), да би се у наредним деценијама индустријализација развила и потом савладавале и много веће спратности. Кровну конструкцију чиниле су везне греде.[5]

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