
The influence of the level of professional (emotional) burnout on the quality of work of educational psychologists of municipal educational organizations has determined the relevance of this article, which analyzes the dependence of the personality structure presented in Transactional Analysis as the combination of three ego states (Parent, Child and Adult) on the coefficient of professional burnout. This coefficient is interpreted as an integral indicator of three factors: psycho-emotional exhaustion, depersonalization/dehumanization and reduction of professional achievements. Identification of the personality structure of the study participants, calculation of the coefficient of their professional (emotional) burnout, structuring the levels of severity of factors of professional (emotional) burnout, implemented as research objectives, created the possibility of achieving the research goal. The hypothesis was tested by means of mathematical statistics methods. The visibility and accessibility of conclusions about the correlations between the integral indicator of professional (emotional) burnout and the level of severity of ego states in the egogram are provided by their graphical and textual expression. The presented data on the absence of a critical level of professional (emotional) burnout of educational psychologists of municipal educational organizations and the presence of a correlation between the reduction of professional achievements and the Adult ego state substantiate the vector of further work to ensure conditions for maintaining the desired psycho-emotional state of specialists.

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