
As a composite product, particleboard has disadvantages related to low dimensional stability. The research purpose was to analyze the effect of immersion in acetic acid and NaOH solution on the quality of the particleboard sandwich. Sandwich particleboard (SPb) was made in a size of 25 cm length and 25 cm width. The target thickness and density are 1 cm and 0.75 g/cm3, respectively. The adhesive used was isocyanate adhesive with a content of 7%. First, The particles, which were in the form of wood shavings and bamboo strands, were soaked in a solution of acetic acid and NaOH at various concentrations (0, 1, 2, and 3%). The moisture content of the particles to be made SPb was set at 7%. After evenly mixing the particles (wood shavings and bamboo strands) and the adhesive, the sheet was created. The board sheets were made into three layers, namely 40% face layer in the form of a bamboo strand, 20% core layer in the form of wood shavings, and 40% back layer in the form of the bamboo strand. The next stage was the hot pressing process at 160 °C for 5 min and 30 kg/cm2 pressure. The following process was conditioning the board for seven days. Testing of quality refers to the standard JIS A5908 (2003). The results showed that the immersion of Raru wood particles in acetic acid and NaOH significantly affected the value of density, water absorption, thickness swelling, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, and internal bond. Except for the moisture content on the AA3 and NA2 boards and the internal bond value on the untreated (control) board, all of the panel properties in this study met the standard.

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