
This paper discusses the in fl uence of organizational values on managers’ competencies. Organizational values are a re fl ection of individual values of founder or founding members of the organization. Through time organizational values are shaped by every member of the organization and by events that shape the organization. On the other hand competencies of managers are not shared by the whole organization though they do in fl uence the way managers run their organizations and through this also how organizations work. Based on the fi ndings of previous studies a model for measuring the in fl uence of organizational values on managers’ competencies was proposed. More speci fi cally, by conducting a preliminary study a model was created that discusses the in fl uence of six most commonly stated organizational values on the matching competencies. To this end research question has been proposed: What is the level of correlation between organizational values and matching competencies of managers? The paper-and-pencil survey was carried out in the travel and leisure industry, where 1,100 employees were surveyed. The 388 participants who fi lled out the questionnaire represent a 35.27% yield of surveys sent out and 4.26% of the population of this industry in Slovenia. We have determined that there is a statistically signi fi cant in fl uence of organizational values on matching competencies. This fi nding clearly indicates that organizational values have a strong in fl uence on managers’ competencies. This also to some extent supports the idea of managing by values where managing of organizations is focused on organizational values and every decision is done through the scope of these values.

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